A picture-perfect wedding in Seattle...except those damn bees during the ceremony!!

I'm so biased, but seriously...if this isn't the next Gerber Baby, I don't know who is!!

Ah...how cute...two little flirts! :)

He's giving me a kiss! What a little heart-breaker in the making!

And a trouble-maker in the making... What am I talking about...he's already total trouble! With brother-in-law Dominic at the wedding...
Three sisters...

The entire bridal party...Katie, Heather, Bride Erin, Lindsay, Beth

Hmm...I might not scream and yell like Brenden when I'm hungry, but I'm pretty dang hungry right now, and this box of Cheez-its is my best friend!

With Kimberly at the wedding...so sweet to come all the way out from NYC...

Brenden had a few words to say during Dad's speech..."Uh, Mommy...I'd like my nap and bottle NOW please!"
Father-daughter dance...I'm surprised I kept my eyes dry long enough to get a photo of this!